This is part 23 in our series Decarbonization

Episode 23 in our DECARBONIZATION series is the first of three which looks at leadership and the options for resolving chaos. First up, Troy Media Publisher Doug Firby discusses the features of great leaders.

The series was produced by KEI Network in partnership with Troy Media.

We welcome your comments below.


Doug Firby:

Doug Firby

Doug Firby is an award-winning editorial writer with more than four decades of experience working for newspapers, magazines and online publications in Ontario and western Canada. He is president of Troy Media Digital Solutions and publisher of Troy Media. Canada’s largest independent distributor of editorial content. As Editorial Page Editor of the Calgary Herald, he led a team that commented on public policy issues from a conservative perspective. Raised on a family farm in Ontario, he developed the common-sense values that guide him today. Now a committed westerner, he continues to challenge Canada’s political and cultural orthodoxy.

For interview requests, click here.

About KEI Network

The company began when founder Perry Kinkaide immigrated to Canada from the United States to study the brain and behaviour. Over the next 50 years his careers in academia and government and corporate and non-profit sectors have led to the development of an extraordinary network of over 20,000 contacts: experts and entrepreneurs, academics and government leaders, corporate giants, professionals and non-profit associations. His experience and contacts constitute the KEI Network, giving it the extraordinary capability of organizing and referring, informing and advising, mentoring and investing – always with his clients’ success in mind.

The opinions expressed by our columnists and contributors are theirs alone and do not inherently or expressly reflect the views of our publication.

© Troy Media
Troy Media is an editorial content provider to media outlets and its own hosted community news outlets across Canada.

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